Dec 30, 2019
In “Better Off Than Four Years Ago,” Jonathan Allen from NBC News and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller “Shattered” discusses whether voters are swayed by “game changing” moments or if they are generally set in their voting patterns election to election. We also discuss the aftermath of...
Dec 23, 2019
In this episode, The Long Southern Strategy, Angie Maxwell and Todd Shields from the University of Arkansas make the case about how and why the South went from solidly Democratic to rock ribbed Republican. The reasons aren’t what you may think. Hint: much of it has to do with women and religion. Also, an unofficial...
Dec 16, 2019
In Boris, Brexit and Britannia, we speak with Garret Martin, a transatlantic scholar who will break down what the UK election means for Boris Johnson and for Brexit. Is this the end of the United Kingdom as we know it? Or will Britain thrive with the clarity of this outcome? Also, I draw parallels to the...